Paragraph of Traffic Jam for class 6,7,8,9,10 and SSC to HSC pdf

Write a paragraph in about 150, 200, or 300 words paragraph on “Traffic Jam”: 

Dear student friends, I hope you are all well by the infinite mercy of Allah Ta'ala. Today I will share with you the Paragraph of Traffic jam. Let's begin...

Paragraph of Traffic Jam for class 6,7,8,9,10 and SSC to HSC pdf

Traffic jam paragraph for class 6

Traffic jam paragraph for class 6 This paragraph is generally written targeting students of class 6. So if you want to read this paragraph carefully then read the traffic jam paragraph very carefully.

Question: Write a paragraph of traffic jam by answering the following questions 100 words .

a) What is traffic jam? 
b) Who are suffering most from traffic jam? 
c) What is the main cause of traffic jam? 
d) What are other causes of traffic jam? 
e) What are the disadvantages of traffic jam? 
f) How can we solve this problem? 

Paragraph of Traffic jam

Traffic jam means a long line of motionless vehicles on road. It is a common affair in big cities and towns in our country. It is one of the major problems. The students, office-goers and patients suffer most from traffic jam. The density of population is the main cause of traffic jam. Continuous increase in the number of buses, trucks, autorickshaws, rickshaws is also responsible  for traffic jam. Moreover, the traffic control system is not developed in our country. Illegal parking of vehicles blocks the road and causes traffic jam. Traffic jam causes untold sufferings to the movement of the vehicles and the passers-by. This problem can be solved by adopting  effective measures. Traffic rules should be imposed strictly. Well planned spacious roads should be constructed. Public awareness should also to be increased.

Traffic jam paragraph for class 7

Traffic jam paragraph for class 7 This paragraph is generally written targeting students of class 7. So if you want to read this paragraph carefully then read the traffic jam paragraph very carefully.

Paragraph of Traffic jam

Question: Write a paragraph on Traffic Jam' on the basis of the following question 150 words . 

a) What is traffic jam? 
b) Where does it mainly occur? 
c) Who are the worst sufferers of traffic jam? 
d) What are the causes of traffic jam? 
e) What are the disadvantages of traffic jam?
f) What is your suggestion to solve this problem? Or, How can we solve this problem? 

Paragraph of Traffic jam

Traffic jam is a common affair in big cities and towns in our country. It usually occurs in the busy areas of a city or town. It is one of the major problems of modern time. Everyday the city people have to face this unbearable  problem. The density of population is the main cause of traffic jam. The increasing number of buses, trucks, autorickshaws, rickshaws is also responsible for this problem. Moreover, the traffic control system is not developed in our country. Many drivers are not literate and well-trained. They want to drive their vehicles at their sweet will. Illegal parking of vehicles is also responsible for traffic jam. It causes untold  sufferings to the movement of the passengers and the pedestrians. It kills our valuable time and hampers our work. This problem can be solved by adopting  some effective measures. Traffic rules should be imposed strictly. Well planned spacious roads should be constructed. Public awareness is also needed in this respect.

Traffic Jam Paragraph for class 8

Traffic jam paragraph for class 8 This paragraph is generally written targeting students of class 8. So if you want to read this paragraph carefully then read the traffic jam paragraph very carefully.

Question: Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on "Traffic Jam". You should write about it 200 words.

(a) What is traffic jam? 
(b) What are the causes of traffic jam? 
(c) What are the remedial measures of it? 
(d) What are your suggestions about it?

Paragraph of Traffic jam

Traffic Jam is the clogging up of too many vehicles in one place. The place may be a street or a highway. It is not uncommon in our country, particularly in Dhaka city. It happens when different vehicles want to move ahead overtaking each other. The unfavourable street conditions and violating the traffic rules are other reasons of traffic jam. We feel much helpless and frustrated when we get stuck in a traffic jam. Many people fail to attend their office duty in time. The worst victims are the patients carried in the ambulances to hospitals and clinics. Rickshaw-pullers and taxi-drivers also suffer a lot because they lose their time moving very slowly towards their destination. The transportation of the daily commodities gets delayed. Traffic jam can be removed if some measures can be taken. Widening the streets, making flyovers at the main crossings, reducing the member of rickshaws and above all growing public awareness are necessary for removing traffic jam.  

Traffic jam paragraph for class 9 and 10;SSC

Traffic jam paragraph for class 9 and 10;SSC This paragraph is generally written targeting students of class 9 and 10;SSC. So if you want to read this paragraph carefully then read the traffic jam paragraph very carefully.

Paragraph on Traffic Jam

Paragraph of Traffic jam

Being caught in a traffic jam is a bitter experience. In that situation we get stuck up at a particular place. We can move neither forward nor backward. We have to wait and look at our watch. Narrowness of the roads, unlicensed and uncontrolled vehicles, reluctance of the drivers to follow the traffic rules, overtaking  tendency  of the drivers, weak traffic management system, etc. are the reasons of traffic jam in Bangladesh. It usually occurs in peak hours when people go to their offices or workplaces and when offices break. It wastes our valuable time. It hampers our work. It causes great sufferings to the dying patients carried in ambulances. It blocks the movements of fire Brigade vehicles. Thus it makes us helpless in emergency. In Bangladesh, the big cities like Dhaka and Chattogram are now overcrowded. A good number of people and vehicles are increasing every year. The limited streets of these cities are quite unable to accommodate such increasing number of vehicles. So, it is very difficult to solve the problem of traffic jam especially in Dhaka city. Traffic jam can, however, be stopped by taking some pragmatic steps. For example, traffic rules should be imposed strictly so that the drivers are bound to follow traffic rules. Roads and streets should be made wide so as to accommodate the increasing number of vehicles and facilitate their movement.

Traffic jam paragraph for class 10

Paragraph of Traffic jam

A traffic jam is a long line of vehicles where many vehicles get stuck. It is one of the biggest problems of our country. It is more common in large cities and towns.

There are several reasons for traffic jams. The main cause of traffic jams is the narrowness of the roads in relation to the number of vehicles on the road. Our cars have increased in number, but our roads have not. The number of cars without a license is increasing every day. Drivers do not know traffic regulations. There is a shortage of traffic police officers. Traffic jams also occur due to uncontrolled parking and the tendency to overtake.

It causes us a lot of suffering. It wastes our precious time. We are not able to go to school, college, office, shop or hospital on time. Due to traffic, the ambulance and fire department sometimes cannot reach their destination.

However, this problem must be solved. The number of roads should increase. A sufficient number of traffic police officers should be deployed at prominent locations. Illegal cars should be removed. Drivers should know traffic rules and regulations.

Traffic jam paragraph 150 words

Paragraph Traffic Jam

Traffic congestion is a common problem here. A traffic jam is a long line of vehicles stuck in traffic. It is a well-known phenomenon in large cities and towns. Now it has become a big problem. It causes a terrible situation in our daily life.

There are several reasons for traffic jams. The main reasons for traffic congestion include the increase in the number of buses, trucks, rickshaws and motorcycles. Another reason is also overpopulation. On the other hand, the traffic management system in our country is not developed. Drivers are also responsible for this problem. Another reason for traffic jams is insufficient knowledge of road traffic rules, tendency to overtake and parking here and there. It causes untold pain to the passengers and hinders the movement of the vehicle.

Our government should take more initiatives to solve the problem. We all need to work together to overcome this situation. Public awareness is also necessary to overcome this situation.

Traffic Jam Paragraph 100 words

Paragraph on Traffic Jam

Traffic congestion is a frequent problem here. A traffic jam means a long line of vehicles stuck in traffic. It's a common scene in big cities and towns. Now it has become a serious problem. It creates a pitiful condition in our daily life.

There are many causes of traffic jams. The increasing number of buses, trucks, autorickshaws and rickshaws are the main causes of traffic congestion. Overpopulation is also a cause. On the other hand, our traffic management system is not developed.
Drivers are also to blame for this problem. Their lack of knowledge about traffic rules, tendency to overtake and park here and there has another cause of traffic jams. It causes untold suffering to passengers and vehicular traffic.

Our government should make more plans to solve the problem. We should all be honest about this problem to eliminate it. Public awareness is also necessary to solve this problem.

Traffic Jam paragraph for HSC

Traffic jam paragraph for class hsc This paragraph is generally written targeting students of class hsc. So if you want to read this paragraph carefully then read the traffic jam paragraph very carefully.

Paragraph of Traffic jam

Paragraph of Traffic jam

Being stuck in a traffic jam is a painful experience. In that case, we are stuck in a certain place. We cannot go forward or backward. Have to look and watch the clock. Bangladeshi traffic problems, unlicensed and unmanned vehicles, disobedience of drivers, tendency of overtaking drivers, weak traffic management system etc. Cause traffic in Bangladesh. It usually happens during peak hours when people go to their office or workplace and the office collapses. It wastes our precious time. This complicates our work. It causes great suffering to dying patients being transported in ambulances. It hinders the movement of fire engines. It makes us vulnerable in times of need. Bangladesh now has many big cities like Dhaka and Chattogram. Every year, the number of eligible people and vehicles increases. The roads in these cities cannot accommodate the increased traffic. Therefore, it is very difficult to solve the problem of traffic congestion, especially in Dhaka city. However, traffic congestion can be avoided by taking some pragmatic steps. For example, traffic rules should be enforced so that drivers must follow traffic rules. Roads and roads should be widened to facilitate the increase in the number of vehicles and traffic.

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