The number of mobile phone and internet users in Bangladesh from the year 2014 to 20018 graph chart for HSC Exam

The number of mobile phone and internet users in Bangladesh from the year 2014 to 2018

Q: The chart below shows the number of mobile phone and internet users in Bangladesh from the year 2014 to 2018. Describe the chart in at least 80 words. You should highlight the information and report the main features .


Ans. The chart shows the contrasting statistics of mobile phone and internet users in Bangladesh from 2014 to 2018. In 2014, mobile phone users in Bangladesh is 115 million whereas internet users is only 15 million. In 2015, another 7 million mobile phone users increased and the total number of users stood at 122 million. Regarding internet users, another 4 million added and the total number stood at 19 million. In 2016, the number of mobile phone users jumped into 132 million with an increase of 10 million. But the increase in internet users is a bit less: only 2 million added to the number of previous year taking the total to 21 million. In 2017, there is a surprising decline in mobile phone users and the number was 2 million less than that of 2016. But, quite interestingly, the number of internet users rocketed to 67 million which is more than three times than that of previous year. 2018 saw another steady increase in mobile phone users which stood at 140 million and another jump in the number of internet users taking the total to 81 million. So, within a period of 5 years mobile phone users increased from 115 million to 140 million whereas internet users increased from 15 million to 81 million users.
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