An application to the Principal for increasing common room facilities for HSC Exam
Question: Write an application to the Principal for increasing common room facilities
Increasing common room facilities application for hsc
15 December 2022
The Principal
KG College
Subject: Prayer for increasing common room facilities
We would like to state that our common room facilities are very inadequate. Besides, the number of students has increased considerably this year. So, the common room is always overcrowded. As a result, many of us have to idle away our time. A few more newspapers and adequate facilities for indoor games can keep us engaged. Two more newspapers - one Bangla and one English, four more chessboards with chessmen and a ping-pong table will do for the time being.
I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to pass orders to supply the articles mentioned above and oblige thereby.
Yours obediently,
Md. Ratul
Class XII
On behalf of the students of
KG College, Dhaka.