An application to the Principal seeking permission to establish an English Speaking Club
Question: Write an application to your Principal seeking his permission to set up an English Speaking Club in your college
An application to the Principal seeking permission to establish an English Speaking Club
14 October 2022
The Principal
Mymensingh City College
Subject: Application for establishing an English speaking Club
With due respect and reverence, we, the students of your college, beg to draw your kind attention to the fact that there is no English speaking club in our college.
We all know that English is the strongest means of verbal and written communication all over the world and we cannot do without it for a single day. So, we feel an enormous necessity to learn more and practice English especially for practical and communicative purpose. In these circumstances, we expect that you would pass necessary orders to establish an English speaking club to facilitate effective practice of English.
We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to materialize our long- cherished desire for an English speaking club and oblige us thereby.
Obediently yours,
Tanima Chowdhury On behalf of the students of class XII