Uses and abuses of internet paragraph 100,150,200,250 words for class SSC and HSC

Uses and abuses of internet Paragraph 100 Words for class 6,7,8

Uses and abuses of internet

Uses and abuses of internet

We are living in the age of computers. There is almost no sector where computers are not being used. Exchanging of information and communication is its outstanding contribution. Internet is its networks that connect millions of computers worldwide. It is a gateway for people. Not only in the field of information and communication, it also plays a significant role in trade and commerce. Internet based e-commerce has become very popular all over the world. It gives customers the opportunity to buy thing without going to market. Besides these, students and teachers can easily get necessary information through internet. They can read books without going to library. Moreover, economists, doctors and other professionals use internet for their professional interest. But it is not without abuse. Many people abuse this blessing by placing information or data that is unacceptable such as pornography. Some others may use it for fraud or theft. Moreover, by using the internet excessively and doing chatting with some unknown people just for fun, the youngsters waste their valuable time and harm their eyesight.They also indulge in mischief, which may harm their morals. But internet can become a blessing if it is used rationally and for good purposes.

Uses and abuses of internet Paragraph 150-200 Words for class 9 and SSC 

Uses and abuses of internet

Internet is the most convenient, reliable and cheapest mode of communication. It has a huge potential for the significant improvement of economic productivity. In Bangladesh also, in the production of goods and services both in government and private sectors, it has huge economic potentiality. Needless to say, it has some demerits too. Nowadays, especially the teenagers are very prone to absorb the demerits of internet. They sometimes keep chatting and wasting their time with their friends or even unknown persons, when they are supposed to be at their desk to study. Besides, people are becoming addicted to the social networking sites by spending too much time on internet. This make them isolated from family and friends. Thus, people are becoming unsocial. The importance of internet is vast. It helps us to communicate with the people of other parts of the world. It is a quick and easy medium of communication. Currently, the necessity of internet in Bangladesh is very demanding. People are being dependent on internet remarkably but it is a matter of great regret that internet has not reached throughout the country as yet. So, the people are being deprived of the benefit of internet. The 'Internet Service Providers' are not getting enough opportunities and options from the government either. In order to flourish the communication system, we must take necessary steps to better internet facilities in our country; otherwise, we will always lag behind.

Uses and abuses of internet Paragraph 200 words for HSC

Internet is the most convenient, reliable and cheapest mode of communication. It has a huge potential for the significant improvement of economic productivity. In Bangladesh also, in the production of goods and services both in government and private sectors, it has huge economic potentiality. Needless to say, it has some demerits too. Nowadays, especially the teenagers are very prone to absorb the demerits of internet. They sometimes keep chatting and wasting their time with their friends or even unknown persons, when they are supposed to be at their desk to study. Besides, people are becoming addicted to the social networking sites by spending too much time on internet. This make them isolated from family and friends. Thus, people are becoming unsocial. The importance of internet is vast. It helps us to communicate with the people of other parts of the world. It is a quick and easy medium of communication. Currently, the necessity of internet in Bangladesh is very demanding. People are being dependent on internet remarkably but it is a matter of great regret that internet has not reached throughout the country as yet. So, the people are being deprived of the benefit of internet. The 'Internet Service Providers' are not getting enough opportunities and options from the government either. In order to flourish the communication system, we must take necessary steps to better internet facilities in our country; otherwise, we will always lag behind.

Uses and abuses of internet Paragraph 150 words

Internet is a modern international computer network that has some particular uses and abuses. It is a speedy  transmitting  system of information. We get important news and views of home and abroad through it. We can get easy access to any library of the world through internet. Many educational  institutions are greatly benefited through the use of internet. It plays an effective role in the field of trade and commerce . The patients can get prescription and treatment of the famous doctors through internet. Internet also helps travellers in all possible ways. Besides, internet gives us opportunities to enjoy music, movie, sports etc. On the other hand, internet based cyber crime has become one of the prime concerns of the day. Some miscreants spread internet virus and destroy computers to fulfill their illegal ends. Some computer hackers use internet to hack into others' computer system. Nudity and pornography are also increasing on internet, which degrade moral values. Different terrorist groups also use internet facilities for their terrorist activities. However, the internet system itself is not responsible for these problems. Therefore, it is wise for everyone of us to utilize the merits of internet and be watchful of its abuses.

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