Completing Story: Sotry of an Old Photograph for SSC and HSC Exam

প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা আশা করি তোমরা সবাই ভালো আছো । আজ আমি তোমাদের সাথে আলোচনা করব story of an old photograph completing story । তোমরা যদি story of an old photograph completing story টি খুব ভালো করে শিখে নিতে চাও তাহলে অবশ্যই খুব মনযোগ সহকারে আজকের story of an old photograph completing story টি পড়তে হবে । তাহলে চলো প্রিয় শিক্ষার্থী বন্ধুরা শুরু করা যাক আজকের পড়াটি story of an old photograph completing story । 

story of an old photograph completing story

Story of an old photograph completing story

In an afternoon, Grandmother was knitting a scarf under a mango tree in the yard. Romim, her grandson, suddenly came running to her with an old photograph in his hand. "Grandma, who is the boy in the photograph?" Grandmother sighed and said, "Oh, dear! Where did you get the photo?"

"I got it inside a book in the library," said Romin. Grandmother sighed again, "I've searching the photo for a long time. I thought I lost it completely."

"Who is he, Grandma?" Romin asked again.

"He was my elder son. Elder brother of your father. His name was Rashed. He was a brilliant student. He used to stand first in his exams. Not only that, he was a boy of gentle nature and everybody loved him very dearly."

"I haven't seen him, for sure!" Romin exclaimed.

"Oh, no! Dear. He died at an early age. Then he was studying in class ten. He was hit by a speedy vehicle while going to his school. He was taken to hospital immediately but with no result; he left all of us in the midst of tears." Grandmother began to cry. Romin went closer to her and said, "Sorry, Grandma! I didn't want to make you cry." Grandma recovered and hugged him and said to him, "I'm happy that you discovered the photo for me."

আর্টিকেলের শেষ কথাঃ Completing Story: Sotry of an Old Photograph for SSC and HSC Exam

আশা করি আজকের Completing Story: Sotry of an Old Photograph for SSC and HSC Exam এই পড়াটি তোমাদের ভালো লেগেছে এবং উপকারে এসেছে । তোমরা যদি এরকম পড়া চাও আমাদের কাছ থেকে তাহলে অবশ্যই Educationalblogbd.Com ওয়েবসাইটটি ব্যবহার করতে হবে । তোমরা চাইলে তোমাদের ফেইসবুকে থাকা বন্ধুদের সাথে শেয়ার করতে পারো । আমাদের সাথে থাকার জন্য ধন্যবাদ । 

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