Paragraph on [Social Networking Services] for SSC and HSC

#Write a paragraph on "Social Network Services". You should write it in about 150 words. Your paragraph should include the answers to the following questions:

Paragraph on [Social Networking Services]  for SSC and HSC


i) What do you mean by social network services?

ii) Which is the most popular network?

iii) What are the other social network services?

iv) How do they give services?

v) Why are social networks expanding fast?

Social Network Services

Answer: Social networking is one of the most popular features on the Internet these days. Most people, who are not completely connected to the internet, are somehow able to use social media to keep up with the growing trend. Social networking is actually a platform where people can build social relationships based on common interests, activities and real life events. Among all social networks, Facebook seems to be growing rapidly and that is why it is so popular. Prior to Facebook, another social networking site 'Hi5' was in charge of this type of services. Facebook has finally hit Hi5 and replaced it with a higher number of users. Besides Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, Blogger are other popular social networks. Social networking sites allow people to set up free accounts with people from all parts of the world. There are privacy settings areas where people can enjoy these social networks and also eliminate stalkers and people with problems. Free accounts for ordinary people but people who use these networks for business purposes should pay the owners of these networks. Communication has become much easier with social networking services. People can stay in touch with their loved ones at any distance. Photo-sharing and video sharing features make it easy for people to know what those around them are doing. Some of these networks, such as Facebook, allow chatting and video calls to improve communication. As long as people know the limits of using social media, they are not a danger to society.

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